I have read countless articles and books about money since I was in my twenties because I worked hard to earn money from the time I had my first babysitting job at age 12, so I wanted to learn how to manage it well and be sure I always had some money in savings. I learned on my own about investments by reading too. Have I been perfect with money? No, since no one is, but I am diligent about saving, learning, and investing, no matter how tough the times. (And we have had some hard times: Illness and job loss more than once due to funding cuts, office closings etc.)
I still don't have a formal degree in any kind of finance, but I had a smart common-sense Grandma who gave me a little red leather wallet when I was five years old and she showed me how to save and spend. As in, if I traded in a dime for two nickels, I could spend one and save one. So when she took me to the Ben Franklin Five and Dime store, (remember those?!), I'd buy a book for a nickel and forgo the doll for a dime so I could save.
Funny, here's still the most important thing I personally know about money: If you want to save and invest, you have to spend wisely so that you have money to save and invest. That's the only money "secret" that there really is, in my opinion. And for the most part, we have control over what we spend. Fancy car? How about a Toyota Corolla instead? Huge house? How about a 1200 SF house or condo instead? Trips to Disneyland twice a year, (I just saw this online at $10,000 a pop for a family of four, no kidding.) How about once every five years or put that money in your child's college fund and find cheaper ways to love Mickey. Just a thought! Personally, I don't live either a lavish nor an impoverished life; I strive for balance. Some savings/some reasonable treats, in that order so I can sleep at night now in my senior years.
Rest in peace my frugal and stylish Grandma, and thank you for my little red wallet lesson from 60 years ago!
Here are some books about money that I like:
A witty book written during the Great Depression, with great stories of real people, on how to live well on the means you have. Some of it is dated, but much of the spending tips still apply.
Probably the best book I've ever read to manage your money well so that your bills are paid and you have savings to invest.
Mary Hunt, a.k.a. Everyday Cheapskate, brought her life back from large debts and learned to live well on half the price.
Tony Robbins gives you his best money advice. Eye-opening when I read it in 2017.
How everyday people spend to save and grow their wealth. (Spoiler alert: They aren't flashy and many are teachers.)
David Bach of "latte money fame" teaches you how automating savings will help you to never miss a payment to yourself.
Great books on taking control of your money and investments to build a long-term solid nest egg.
Written by retired Episcopal priest Rev. Dennis Maynard, who was our priest when we attended church at St. James La Jolla when we lived in California. A thought-provoking book.
Considerations for how to spend and save so you have a meaningfully-rich life.
There are many more. As I remember them, I will share them with you.
Grow your money, honey!
Kathryn :)